Markets & trends

Mintel's Yogmaya Chatterjee

India’s food trends: What’s hot and what's not

By Gary Scattergood

Indian consumers are increasingly aware that all fats are not bad, are demanding more products that offer “complete wellness” and are becoming increasingly opening to exploring alternative proteins and natural sugars.

Dr Semanto Halder.

More Asia-specific research needed to improve nutrition knowledge

By Gary Scattergood

More high-quality Asia-specific research on local foods and their impact on the population is needed to help improve nutrition and combat the growing number of diet-related illnesses across the continent, a seminar in Singapore has heard.

Dr Regina Moench-Pfanner (r) discusses efforts to improve nutrition at Food Vision Asia. ‘Where there is high rice consumption, it is important to improve rice’

Dispatches from Food Vision Asia 2016

Multi-partner efforts light path to better nutrition

By Shane Starling from Singapore

On-the-ground programmes in Singapore and beyond are significantly boosting nutrition levels for population groups that need it the most – like migrant workers – the inaugural Food Vision Asia congress was told this month.

The increasing role of cannabinoids in pain relief

Guest column, chief executive of Elixinol and Hemp Foods Australia

The increasing role of cannabinoids in pain relief

By Paul Benhaim,

Once forgotten, cannabinoids and their medicinal benefits have recently been thrust back into the spotlight, in particular for their abilities to relieve often otherwise untreatable pain. 

Entrepreneur's frustration in marketing cheap protein for India's poor

special edition: Protein

Entrepreneur's frustration in marketing cheap protein for India's poor

By RJ Whitehead

There’s no shortage of children in India in need of cheap, high-quality and—crucially—vegetarian protein. Trouble is, there’s a chronic lack of companies wanting to produce it, and governments to promote it, even when its formulation could be massively...

Join the free FoodNavigator-Asia infant nutrition forum on Wednesday

Join the free FoodNavigator-Asia infant nutrition forum on Wednesday

By RJ Whitehead

On Wednesday, January 21 FoodNavigator-Asia will be holding its first free online forum under the banner "Red flags and white gold: Marketing infant formula in Asia-Pacific". Join us as a panel of experts debates the vital subject of how the...

Finding right omega 3 and 6 ratio is key to protecting cell membranes


Finding right omega 3 and 6 ratio is key to protecting cell membranes

By Paul Benhaim, chief executive of Elixinol and Hemp Foods Australia

While many people are eager to rid themselves of as much fat as possible, there is still one part of the body really should contain a large quantity of it. Indeed, over 60% of the dry weight of the brain is made up of fats. 

Will hemp replace fish as the king of omega-3?


Will hemp replace fish as the king of omega-3?

By Paul Benhaim, chief executive of Hemp Foods Australia and Elixinol

As decades of unjustified prohibition and persecution continue to lose their grip, hemp is rapidly regaining the popularity it held for millennia as a primary and sustainable source of life's necessities — including omega-3 and 6 fatty acids.

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