
Two clinical trials into B vitamin supplementation have been carried out at Swinburne. ©iStock

Vitamin B clinical trials first to use neuroimaging technology

By Gary Scattergood

Supplementation with B vitamins significantly improves general mental health, reduces subjective stress and increases vigour and overall mood in mentally demanding situations, according to research from Melbourne’s Swinburne University.

New Zealand study: Boysenberries help improve lung function

New Zealand study: Boysenberries help improve lung function

By Gary Scattergood

New research from New Zealand suggests that regular boysenberry consumption may improve lung function by reducing symptoms associated with inflammation of the airways, which can cause conditions such as asthma.

Diabetics should be wary of paleo diet ‘hype’


Diabetics should be wary of paleo diet ‘hype’

By Gary Scattergood

The Australian Diabetes Society president has said people with type 2 diabetes should be wary of social media hype about the benefits of going on the paleo diet, arguing there have been no trials going beyond 12 weeks.

Rewarding innovation: How to address natural nutrition's IP dilemma


Rewarding innovation: How to address natural nutrition's IP dilemma

By Aiden Essery

At a time when the Australian natural nutrition industry is worth A$4.2bn (US$1.8bn), companies face stiff competition as they set out to access to bigger overseas markets, helped by our government’s focus on freer international trade.

Sun-drenched Australians still in need of vitamin D supplementation

Sun-drenched Australians still in need of vitamin D supplementation

By RJ Whitehead

Guidance by an independent British committee of experts that advises everyone to take the so-called “sunshine vitamin” whatever the weather has been well received in Australia, where up to 58% of people suffer from vitamin D deficiency in spite of its...

Rat study finds rancid fish oil deadly, but humans shouldn't worry

Rat study finds rancid fish oil deadly, but humans shouldn't worry

By RJ Whitehead

A third of the offspring of rats fed with high doses of oxidised fish oil during pregnancy did not survive beyond two days, a New Zealand-authored study has found, prompting safety officials to stress that there is no evidence of a food-safety risk from...

Senior official: Australia needs preventative-curative health approach

Senior official: Australia needs preventative-curative health approach

By RJ Whitehead

Australian governments must wean patients off expensive hospital treatment by investing more heavily in preventative medicine and risk management, according to a senior health official, at a time when lifestyle diseases are putting a serious strain on...

Biosearch Life probiotic approved in China for infant formula use

China direct

Biosearch Life probiotic approved in China for infant formula use

By RJ Whitehead

Spanish probiotics, omega-3 and extracts supplier Biosearch Life has been given approval for the sale of its Lactobacillus fermentum CECT5716 LC40 probiotic strain by China’s Family Planning and National Health Commission for use in infant formula manufactured...

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