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The Two Keys for the Best Joint Health Supplements

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The Two Keys for the Best Joint Health Supplements

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Numerous demands by new joint health consumers are being met with a unique glucosamine that is also very tablet friendly.

The inability to move freely has skyrocketed as one of the most feared health problems for active people around the world in the modern “uber-busy” lifestyles.

This means that joint health supplements are not only for those dawning on their elderly years – there are new users who are mindful of preserving joint function.

According to​, approximately 350 million people worldwide are living with arthritis. Many individuals are feeling discomfort in their main joints – knees, hips and lower back – as a result of vigorous exercise for the long-term. These are the individuals who are proactively seeking joint- and mobility-support supplements.

Therefore, there are opportunities to create and differentiate an easy-to-take joint-support tablet that delivers desired therapeutic amounts of glucosamine, the most widely known joint-health supplement. There is and will be more room for novel mobility-enhancing natural solutions, and TSI can work with you jointly to claim your space.

Benefits of Plant-based Glucosamine

GlucosaGreen®, from TSI, is manufactured via a patent-protected process that uses a unique fermentation technology on non-GMO corn to produce glucosamine bioequivalent to shellfish glucosamine. And this process is much more suitable to the well-being of the environment.

Compared to glucosamine obtained from shellfish, GlucosaGreen fulfills vegan and vegetarian needs, as well as leaves dramatically reduced waste from production: GlucosaGreen produces only 2% of the waste compared to shellfish glucosamine. It takes only 2 MTs of clean water to produce the same amount of glucosamine – 99.9 per cent less water than required for shellfish-derived glucosamine.

GlucosaGreen is a clean-label-friendly glucosamine. It made sustainably and is therefore not dependent on a fragmented supply of crustacean shells or a limited quantity of citric acid biomass waste stream. As more consumers become aware of how the conventional shellfish glucosamine industry impacts the environment – and the shellfish populations themselves – they will embrace GlucosaGreen as their glucosamine of choice.

GlucosaGreen is available for manufacture in a variety of forms, including its exclusive DC granules used to make premium tablets via direct compression.

The Compression Challenge: Not Just PSD

Glucosamine is primarily consumed in tablets, a preferred form for millions of people. As a brand manufacturer, your goal is simple: provide an easy-to-swallow glucosamine tablet manufactured in an efficient, cost-effective manner.

Because glucosamine doesn’t compress at all when it is in powder form it must be in direct compression (DC)-grade granules to process effectively into tablets. However, glucosamine suppliers are proficient in raw material supply, but they are not experts in tablet manufacturing.

This disjointed relationship between brand marketers and conventional glucosamine suppliers has led to the current industry practice where DC granules are measured by by particle size distribution (PSD), which does not fully reflect suitable compressibility for tableting. The granules should exhibit high compressibility because PSD alone creates a variability that can have significant impact on operational efficiencies and outcomes.

The Solution: Unity Between Supplier and Manufacturer

The key to making an excellent mobility-support tablet with glucosamine is using a granule with the desired compressibility – not just a specified PSD. TSI, with joint expertise in raw material supply and table manufacturing, measures the compressibility of every batch to make sure manufacturers can compress the best tablet (not just to deliver on PSD as per spec requirements)

Using superior quality DC granules enables production of smaller tablets with better hardness, uniformity and disintegration time, and without chipping and capping, as well as reduces excipients, improves tablet aesthetics, improves operational efficiency and reduces overall costs.

The right (high compressibility) granule is the basis of a tablet that performs as the consumer expects and desires, delivering non-GMO corn-derived glucosamine that satisfies their desire for eco sustainability.

The TSI Difference

As the demand in the Asia Pacific region for joint and mobility support supplements is expected to accelerate, tablet production will see a concomitant growth. TSI is right there – our experts do not merely look at the parameters on the spec, we understand more about the ingredient, how it works and how it needs to perform under various tablet presses. Therefore, the key to this success is to ensure the granule is manufactured correctly with the right compressibility.

TSI owns a finished dose contract manufacturing facility that has been producing 343 different formulations of glucosamine and glucosamine & chondroitin tablets during the past decade, giving TSI peerless experience in the glucosamine and chondroitin tablet sector.

Designing and manufacturing the most effective DC granules involves several processes. We trial the granules by compressing them into the tablet you want, and we measure the compressibility of every batch to ensure you can compress the best tablet; this is beyond just delivering on particle size as per spec requirements. Better granules ensure your tableting process runs much more smoothly without stoppages to adjust for varying PSD batches. This saves you precious time and money.

Move ahead of the demand surge for mobility-support tablets by working jointly with TSI.

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