
NattoPharma – Gnosis by Lesaffre

NattoPharma – Gnosis by Lesaffre

Global supplier of MenaQ7®​, the only clinically proven Vitamin K2 as MK-7

NattoPharma is now part of the Gnosis by Lesaffre family. This new union of Vitamin K2 pioneers provides the industry the most comprehensive K2 portfolio, backed by science and produced to the highest quality standards. 

NattoPharma is the world leader of Vitamin K2 research and development, sponsoring all clinical research illuminating the important bone and cardiovascular health benefits of Vitamin K2 as MK-7 for all ages. Gnosis by Lesaffre has pioneered the development of Vitamin K2 as MK-7 from fermentation, with its first production launched almost 20 years ago. 

Now there is a comprehensive, one-stop-shop for all things Vitamin K2. Whether you are considering MenaQ7®​ Vitamin K2 as MK-7 in all its available varieties and dilutions, or the vitaMK7®​ brand as natural vitamin K2 or the new highly concentrated form, rest assured your answer for creating the highest quality products designed to deliver improved health is with us.

Related resources

MenaQ7® Vitamin K2: The Bone Support Solution

MenaQ7® Vitamin K2: The Bone Support Solution

Content provided by NattoPharma – Gnosis by Lesaffre | 03-Sep-2020 | Infographic

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CryoCap: Protecting Vit K2 in Mineral Combinations

Content provided by NattoPharma – Gnosis by Lesaffre | 02-Sep-2019 | White Paper

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