All news articles for 2019

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DHA omega-3 may offer ADHD management potential

By Stephen Daniells

Six months of supplementation with a high dose DHA emulsion may help children and adolescents with attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD), suggests a new study from Spain.

A DayTwo testing kit at the company's booth at Nutrition 2019 in Baltimore, June 8-11, 2019

Two new papers in prestigious journals validate DayTwo's algorithm, president says

Israeli microbiome company DayTwo goes down B2B route for US expansion

By Adi Menayang

In its home base of Israel, microbiome company DayTwo targets consumers in its marketing efforts. For the US, the company is marketing primarily to clinicians and other healthcare providers. It has two new papers validating its methods, published in prestigious...

Naturally-occurring MFGM with phospholipids and glycoproteins is ideal for brain and gut health in infants. Pic: Arla

Awareness of MFGM growing

By Beth Newhart

More pregnant women are familiar with the milk fat globule membrane (MFGM), a nutritional component naturally occurring in breast milk. It’s now being used as an ingredient in infant formula to “close the gap further between breast milk and formula.”

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