
Latest nutraceutical developments from Melrose, Amorepacific, DKSH

Brand new: Latest developments from Melrose, Amorepacific, DKSH

By Tingmin Koe

See the latest developments from nutraceutical brands across Asia-Pacific, including Australian firm Melrose's strategies for the China market, Amorepacific's new product development pipeline for healthy ageing, and probiotics launched by DKSH...

Our 10 most-read China health and nutrition stories of 2022 revealed

China focus: Our 10 most-read China stories of 2022 revealed

By Tingmin Koe

Health and Happiness Group (H&H Group)’s new product development priorities, Nestle launching infant formulas containing a novel nutrient blend and human milk oligosaccharides (HMOs), and Danone’s healthy ageing products are some of the most popular...

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